Gay eBooks Blog What Does the Page of Cups Mean?

What Does the Page of Cups Mean?

page of cups time frame

If you are reading the

page of cups time frame in your tarot reading, you are probably feeling a little bit naive and idealistic when it comes to love. While the Card is not an indication that you should give up on your love life, it does tell you to trust your inner voice. It can also tell you that you should be open to the feelings and intuition of others. The best advice for a Page of Cups reading is to trust your feelings and intuition.

The Page of Cups can indicate a new relationship opportunity, an important event in your life, or a change of lifestyle. It can also indicate a time when you are experiencing new people and experiences. This can be a great time to make the most of the present moment. Try to live in the moment and view everything as if it were the first time you experienced it.

The Page of Cups can also indicate a new social event. It can be a celebration, or an outing. You might be spending the day shopping, going to the salon, or deliberating over new accessories. The new season also means a fresh wardrobe, and you can use it as an opportunity to show off your style.

If the Page of Cups is involved in a relationship, it’s important to make sure you’re giving yourself time to process the relationship and your new feelings. You’ll feel that your partner has a tendency to feel insecure and unloving if they don’t feel that way. This can also lead to moodiness and sulking.

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